I am I アイアムアイ 2015

 I am I in fact...

I am I in fact... expresses 'Sweetness × Sharpness' through garments. The concept of this fashion brand is an innocent boy with kindness, clothes with innocence, pureness. 

I am I, in Japanese 'アイアムアイ', is a Japanese fashion brand with unique pattern designs, unisex body size pieces, comfortable fabrics, reasonable prices. There are 3 lines of I am I and they are 'I am I in fact...', 'I am I BOYGAL', 'didiZiZi'.


I am I BOYGAL is a fashion line for unisex body size. The concept of I am I BOYGAL is 'SIMPLE IS UNIQUE'. The clothing items you want to cherish. Cotton, wool, warmth are mostly found in I am I BOYGAL. Unisex body size which you can wear without worrying.



The concept of didiZiZi is about the generated from socks become two pairs. Wonderful world of a dance and heart. Brand revolves around small objects. Multiple graphic designs can be discovered in didiZiZi. Origin of the brand didizizi is "Di: of the two, zi (zingy): The dying interesting that very attractive..'.

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